About Us



As a professional dog trainer in Northern New Jersey I have the pleasure of helping pet owners to achieve and accomplish their dog training goals.  To me, this is very rewarding.

I want to talk about my weak points because I do have a few.

From a clients 'perspective, you should know that:

  1. I am a fanatic when it comes to setting the bar for you - I will set it HIGH (by the way, I will help you achieve it too!)
  2. I would like you to be on time for your appointments, but I do understand that you have other obligations.
  3. Sometimes you will fee so comfortable with me, you'll feel that you're talking to one of your good friends, instead of an experienced dog trainer.

If you could work with some of these faults and are still reading I would like to modestly speak about my better traits:

I am not a bean counter when it comes to our training lessons; I am not want to watch the clock.  I like to end session on a positive note with your puppy or dog.......and of course, you too!

I am an easy professional dog trainer to work with.  My experience and ability to train small to large and passive to dominant aggressive dogs should not be intimidating to you, but should be an asset to you.  I encourage YOU to take FULL advantage of my dog training accomplishments to help you with your training goals!



 My mission is to help with your dog training and dog behavior needs.

Although training dogs in Northern New Jersey is my career (yes, I do this for a living (over thirty (30) years to date)).  

I feel very blessed - my job & passion are the same.

When Not Helping You Train Your Dog

When I am not helping pet owners with their dog's training; in other words, on my days off, you'll more than likely to find me training my dog for Schutzhund Training competition.

The Key to My Success.......

Most people, including my competitors, other dog trainers in Northern New Jersey believe I am successful because of my obedience training.  Yes, to be successful and last for thirty (30) PLUS years in the dog training business, you better know how to train puppies and dogs.......you better know how to do it good too!

There is something else that all dog trainers should possess according to my k9 training experience.  Respect for both, the animal and the pet owner.  


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Reach Us

  • Location :

    36-B W 1st Ave, Miller, SD 57362, USA

  • Email :


  • Phone :

    +1 123-456-7890


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